Friday, August 3, 2012

Oops! Been a busy week!


So obviously I've been too busy to blog this week!  Crap!

This past week we finished our family room, my husband is studying for finals, I hurt my knee running, my sister who normally babysits is on vacation and I've been kid wrangling by myself!

I'm so exhausted and happy it's the long weekend!  Off until Tuesday!

Yes I hurt my knee, pretty badly actually.  It was when I was running the other day.  I've been doing the c25k and had gone every other day last week.  On Thursday I was about 6 intervals in and pushed off to start running again and felt a ton of pain in my left knee!  I kept running and pushed through it to finish the last intervals, then limped off the track.  I've been in crazy pain since!  I'm on my regular Celebrex, Advil around the clock and now Tramadol.  One of the doctors I work with thinks I might have injured a ligament.  I'll see my own doc in a week or so when I'm off for a week.  This totally sucks! Every time I get going in some activity I go and hurt myself!

Being so crazy busy this week has NOT helped my knee at all!  We spent all weekend painting the family room then I took the kids to Centre Island in Toronto on Tuesday (got caught in a monsoon!!!) and work has been crazy busy.  My knee hasn't had time to heal.

So this weekend I'm doing nothing.  I need to rest.

The monsoon was fun.  We got to Centre Island around 12:30 ish and started looking for food, the kids were hungry.  The thunder started getting louder so I switch my focus to looking for shelter.  The close thunder and large trees were not making me feel very comfortable!  We did get wet, thankfully our stroller has large canopies so the girls were relatively dry, but Mama was soaked, lol!  We ended up finding a covered grandstand and got out of the heavy rain at least, just in time!  The storm battered us for about 20 minutes, got pretty intense!

Then it got worse!

With everyone screaming like it was the end of the world!

Except for my girls, they weren't bothered by it at all!

Poor Lara wanted to go on some rides and we did manage to get onto the train ride, but there was another storm coming in and they shut the rest down :(  We ended up getting caught in trafic on the way home and I missed weighing in!!!  It's the first weigh in I've missed this whole time and I was bummed!  No matter, should have a good weigh in next week!

1 comment:

  1. ooo, i'm doing couch to 5 k too. what week are you on? I'm gonna be finishing week 3 2morow. Give your knee time to heal. these things will bother you forever if you don't take out the time now
