Saturday, April 13, 2013

Planning ahead

Tom leaves for Honduras this coming Thursday and will be gone for 12 days. When he gets back we'll have 2 days together then I have my breast reduction surgery. Life is hectic right now with trying to get everything sorted before he leaves, work is crazy as I try to settle everything before I'm off for the better part of the month, and my mom is still in the hospital, not getting much better.

I have Ten thousand thoughts going through my head at any given moment.

Thankfully we got some stuff crossed off the list today.  Toms packing list is complete, we've picked up everything he needs, I found a front closure sports bra (not as easy as it sounds!) and planned out and bought groceries for a bunch of freezer meals.  Tomorrow will be full of cooking and I'll feel much more prepared for the challenging few weeks ahead.

I'm still on plan and tracking. Now that I've picked a goal weight and I'm so close to it, I don't want to do anything to sabotage getting there soon!

Oh. I went to Value Village and bought a nice burgundy roots sweater in a medium!  A WOMEN'S MEDIUM!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you do have a full plate! Hope everything goes smooth for you the next few weeks. And a great big HOORAY on the medium! :) I soo understand that victory!!
