Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Crawford's pie and up 0.4 lbs :)

I've gotta say, I'm not disappointed with the small gain this week.  About an hour before weigh-in, the owner of Crawford's Village Bakery was in the office for an appointment and brought in two pies.  A chocolate cream pie and a coconut cream pie.

Now these aren't any ordinary pies, these are better than sex pies :)  Worth the million points (I'm sure they're that much) and a delay in seeing other patients while we melt over the flavour and decadence that is Crawford's pie.

We don't get pies everyday (thank goodness!), so when it does happen, it's a must to partake.  Sacrilege to walk past without a taste.  An office rule :)

So I had a small piece of each and loved every morsel!  My WW's leader said once to make sure a cheat is worth the points, make sure it is a 10 before putting it in my mouth.  This was certainly worth the points!

Now the pie isn't entirely to blame for the weight gain, it was Victoria day weekend and holidays are typically off plan for the most part.  See last post.

So now I'm back on plan and looking for a good weight loss next week!